The yearly ?World Energy Outlook? of the IEA (International Energy Agency) is the bible for energy policy makers. Last year?s report is clear about the way the world is going: making more sustainable energy but, also burning more and more coal. And the bad message is that burning coal is growing faster than the production of sustainable energy worldwide. Time to act! More than ever!
Due to the fact that the US produces more and more shale gas, the prices of coal form the US dropped during the last years. And in the Netherlands, gas fired power plants are shut down because they don?t produce profitable energy due to the high price of gas in Europe and the low price of imported coal. And you understand that the simple solution for the producing companies is to import coal and burn it to make electricity. Not the sustainable way planned.
More than ever, we need to work on sustainable solutions!
More than even we need smart energy solutions!
More and more our cities need TRANSFORM solutions!
– Solutions for Energy Efficiency for houses and buildings.
– Speeding up wind energy and solar energy.
– Solutions for smart energy grids.
– Effective heat recovery solutions and heat grids for our old cities.
– Climate neutral new buildings and city districts.
– Electrification of transport and its infrastructure.
We need to try to scale up replicable sustainable energy solutions.